17th October 2024 – Multi-party Mediations and Dispute Resolution in Major Public Infrastructure Projects in Panama

17th October 2024 | 11am UK (BST) 

Join us and Rosemary Jackson KC of Keating Chambers as she discusses ‘Multi-party Mediations’ on 17 October at 11:00 AM UK (BST).

Rosemary Jackson KC Barton Legal Webinar

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Rosemary has been mediating commercial and construction disputes for over 20 years, and for the last 10 years she has mediated full-time. She uses her previous 30 years of experience as a construction and engineering specialist barrister, and her depth of understanding, to assist parties to resolve disputes amicably. This saves parties vast amounts of legal costs, preserves relationships and frees up senior management to concentrate on the next big project, rather than fallout from the last one.

Our second guest speaker, Luis H. Moreno IV of Alfaro, Ferrer & Ramirez (AFRA) will speak on ‘Dispute Resolution in Major Public Infrastructure Projects in Panama’.

Luis H. Moreno IV 600x min Barton Legal Webinar

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Luis H. is a dedicated professional with over 15 years of experience in Administrative Law, telecommunications, public transportation, public procurement, and energy, focusing on Panama. As a Partner in the firm’s Energy, Telecommunication, and Public Procurement department, he has played a pivotal role in Panama´s adoption of its first PPP legislation, collaborating with various stakeholders.

Outside of work, Luis is a happily married man with two kids who enjoys outdoor activities, good music, traveling, and making new friends.

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